Putumayo Kids presents Kids World Party, a global medley of fun tunes from Trinidad to South Africa. Kids World Party marks a special partnership with Amnesty International, with 50 cents US from the sale of each CD going to the Nobel Peace Prize-winning organization in support of its work to promote and protect human rights worldwide.
The album is accompanied by a multilingual (English, Spanish, French, German), child-friendly booklet that explores how children worldwide celebrate special occasions.
Song List:
1. Come and Dance
2. Pink Martini — Pata Pata
3. Takeifa — Penthiou
4. Aldebert — L'homme Songe
5. Jabali Afrika — Nakumbuka
6. Babá Ken Okulolo — Mafe
7. Larry Maluma & Kalima — Kalindawalo
8. Majid Soula — Anda
9. Chris Berry & Panjea — Home
10. Sharon Katz & The Peace Train — Meadowlands